Eight Picture Worthy Backgrounds



Ready to post iconic photos of your getaway as your background picture? Goderich locals recommend some of their favourites that never grow old. From the panoramic views on the Menesetung Bridge to the cliff across Beach Street Station, these perches will score you a memorable snapshot. There’s also Lion’s Harbour Park and the stately Lighthouse. There’s magic in nature. Get up close to trees walking the Maitland Trail or get artsy with pictures of the rock wall just off the shore. Capture the waves rolling in at the Cove. It’s a must to show off your butterfly wings at the Butterfly Wall on the downtown Square.

Menesetung Bridge

Goderich Lighthouse

Goderich Butterfly Wall

Goderich Beach Rock Wall

The Maitland Trail

Lions Harbour Park

Beach Street Station Cliffs

Rotary Cove Beach

#1 the menesetung bridge
#2 the lighthouse
#3 The butterfly wall downtown
#4 the rock wall
#5 the maitland trail
#6 lions harbour park
#7 rotary cove beach
#8 the cliff across from the beach street station