Volunteer Goderich



Memorial Arena will be the volunteer hotspot Saturday, May 11th between 11 am and 3 pm. Once again, the Town of Goderich will be hosting Volunteer Goderich, helping interested folks find their next volunteer opportunity. Admission is FREE and we plan to keep it that way for the foreseeable future. Plus, food trucks will be on site all day!

Volunteer Goderich is the spot where local organizations and event organizers meet with interested community members to let folks know how they can get involved. Tables will be set up for people to ask questions, get more information, and even sign up to get involved. Over 25 Goderich-focused organizations will be onsite to answer your questions and fill you in on all the great things happening in our community.

Already confirmed on the roster are organizations like HASAR, the Goderich Rotary and Rotaract Clubs, Goderich Track Rebuild Committee, Goderich Volunteer Gardeners, Huron County Museum, Goderich Children’s Festival, Goderich Salt & Harvest Festival – and many more!

New this year is the re-launch of the Goderich Resident Package! A joint community project, the Goderich Resident Package features information and opportunities waiting for folks as they arrive in Goderich. The contents of this package are the product of a number of focus groups and survey’s and includes the essential information people need as they set-up their new home.

“It’s been an interesting process,” describes Jenna Ujiye, Tourism & Community Development Manager. “Working with Ralph Rubino at Engage Huron, we gathered a group of people who had moved to Goderich within the last five years, and a second group of folks who help newcomers in their transition to Goderich; real estate agents, community leaders, service providers – and we listened.”

“The final product is something we are proud of and reflects the needs and wants identified from those focus groups,” says Ujiye. “We hope that this new program will help make the process of settling in a new town a little bit smoother for our new residents.”

 If you, or someone you know, is new to the area, or you are someone who frequently welcomes folks as they arrive to Goderich, this is a perfect opportunity to see what is included and to order your packages.

Now we know that all this fantastic information can be tough to process on an empty stomach, so to keep your energy levels up, there will be a variety of food trucks on site this year! The Wicked Witches of West Street, Mardelle’s Cookies, Cakes and Treats, and Pablas Street Food will be onsite from 11 am to 3 pm, just outside the front doors.

Volunteer Goderich is the spot to get delicious food, meet fantastic community organizations, and hopefully the place where you find your next volunteer role!

There is still time for events, organizations, and service clubs to register for this event. We are over 50% booked but would welcome any Goderich-based events or organizations to register for this event. It is free to all who wish to participate!

For more information on registration and attendance, please visit EXPLOREGODERICH.CA or email SPECIALEVENTS@GODERICH.CA